• Question: Are you still studying, if so what are you studying?

    Asked by anon-188308 to Nadine on 15 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 15 Nov 2018:

      So yes- I’m still studying. Actually I’m in this weird limbo place where I’m both studying and working! I’m in the 2nd year of my PhD in Mental Health which is mainly studying dementia. The purpose of a PhD is to make you an expert in your specific research area (so for me that’s dementia, and also mental health in ethnic minorities), but to also teach you to be a researcher who can then choose to go off and work in other research areas if they wanted! It also preps you for science writing (in case you want to be a science journalist) and also teaching (in case you want to be a professor).
      So it’s like being trained for multiple career opportunities!
