• Question: Are u good at science

    Asked by anon-188653 to Warren, Shanti, Paul, Nadine, Alex on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      I hope so!!! I think I’m good at the parts of science I’m based in (psychology, brain and all). But if you asked my about chemical compounds and gravitational pull I’d put my head in the sand.

    • Photo: Alex Reid

      Alex Reid answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      I try to be. The thing about science is the longer you do it the more you tend to become super specialized in one or two areas. I know a lot about sleep and memory but very little about many other aspects of science, even other areas within psychology! I have a lot of passion for science but if I did a chemistry experiment I would probably end up burning off my eyebrows…

    • Photo: Paul Matusz

      Paul Matusz answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      Haha, good question, Welshy! Well, some people decided to give me money to carry out the research projects; others – let me publish my results and my ideas. So I think I’m doing ok 😉 But more seriously, doing science is a very humbling experience, as you just constantly learn how much you ..still have to learn. And there are forever people doing cooler research than you, using more sophisticated methods or get more rewards.. again, it’s all humbling. 🙂
