• Question: have you ever wished you did some other job ?????????????

    Asked by anon-188651 to Nadine, Alex on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      It’s funny that you ask this! Lately I’ve been having dreams in which I’m applying to med school because I’m wishing I had become a doctor. Sometimes, for fleeting moments!, I think maybe I should have become a doctor, gotten involved with the brain through that. But these moments never last long- I’m pretty happy where I’m at!

    • Photo: Alex Reid

      Alex Reid answered on 8 Nov 2018:

      Thanks for the question! I didn’t really set out to be what I am now, I have just been lucky enough to able to have had a great education, which let me naturally pursue a lot of my interests, after a while this led me to where I am now. At various points in my life though I have wanted to be different things. I have wanted to be a paramedic in the past, as I like the idea of helping people. I also wanted to be a film director. Most of all I wanted to be a special effects artist for horror films. I don’t regret where I am now though, and am very happy in my job 🙂
