• Question: how are scientists trying to help our world to stop global warming and other massive events?

    Asked by anon-188360 to Warren, Shanti, Pizza Ka Yee, Paul, Nadine, Alex on 12 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Alex Reid

      Alex Reid answered on 12 Nov 2018: last edited 12 Nov 2018 11:50 am

      Hi thanks for this great question. Climate change is probably one of the biggest issues that the human species will encounter. Although it goes a lot further than the scope of psychology (my job) it is also something I care a lot about so I am a little bit aware of the issues at hand. Firstly, scientists from many many different fields have helped so far by collecting evidence that it is happening. At first the evidence was a trickle but now it is a torrent: the earth is getting warmer and we (humans) are making it worse. Scientists will continue to monitor the situation, which is very important, but sadly this is also not enough (it is a bit like making extensive notes about a bus that is about to squash you when what you also really need to be doing is move out of the way!). A huge issue therefore is: are people listening to the scientists? Well, some are, but not enough. As such, scientists also have a responsibility to educate people and not just hoard their knowledge, and to be fair they (we) are doing our best. Promoting education to make people aware of the genuine issues at hand is a good long term strategy and it starts with people like you. You are the future. In terms of what you can do right now (we need your help!) please have a look at this thoughtful article by the David Suzuki Foundation: https://davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/top-10-ways-can-stop-climate-change/ A third way scientists can help is by developing more environmentally friendly technology such as more efficient solar cells and industrial process that produce less harmful by-products. This is ongoing and can’t happen soon enough!

      As I said though, in general the solution to a lot of problems humans will face is ultimately education. Many people are simply unaware of the big issues facing us and what they can do about it! This is why it is important for you and your friends to stay in school and take advantage of as much learning as you can to give humanity a fighting chance 🙂

    • Photo: Paul Matusz

      Paul Matusz answered on 13 Nov 2018:

      One of the most beautiful thing about science (and reality) is that we can never predict the next biggest invention or how some small discovery can completely change our lives for better. For example someone discovered bugs eating plastic and what followed was creation of an enzyme that dissolves plastic – so you don’t need the bugs ! – have a look here https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/16/scientists-accidentally-create-mutant-enzyme-that-eats-plastic-bottles .

      There are many more ingenious ways in which we try to tackle climate change – for example Swiss cover their glaciers with blankets every year – https://www.livescience.com/61951-swiss-glacier-blanket.html – others are designing machines that are sucking out the dangerous CO2 from the air – http://www.climeworks.com/fast-company-this-machine-just-started-sucking-co2-out-of-the-air-to-save-us-from-climate-change-2/. I am quite optiistic we will be able to halt climate change – the big/ger problem is the negative effect of conservative governments (USA, Brasil now ) that plan things that are very dangerous for the planet – like cutting out a lot of the Amazonian forest, known as the “lungs of the planet” – https://www.wired.co.uk/article/brazil-election-runoff-bolsonaro-amazon . It’s the politicians that I am afraid of.
