• Question: Is your job environmentally friendly

    Asked by anon-188640 to Paul, Nadine on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      This is an interesting one.
      On the one hand, I don’t use any special equipment, chemicals or heavy resources. The extent of my usage is the printer-copier the entire floor shares.
      One the other hand, there’s a HUGE paper trail, even though we’re a very pro-recycle office. A lot of paper is used, I think sometimes when it doesn’t need to be.
      I feel like maybe the two cancel each other out and we’re environmentally neutral?

    • Photo: Paul Matusz

      Paul Matusz answered on 11 Nov 2018:

      Indeed, interesting question. I don’t think that any given branch of science is more dangerous than others – unless it is indeed involving radioactive chemicals. I certainly don’t. We do indeed use a lot of paper as scientists and academics, but also we travel a lot and that has a bad effect on environment – but that’s characteristics of all sciences (and we are working on changing how we “meeet” scientifically, like not to travel across the oceans too often) as well as in business..
