• Question: were you interested in science in school?

    Asked by anon-188600 to Alex on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Alex Reid

      Alex Reid answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Thanks for the question and yes I was, I really admire the process of science and I think I always have done. Without science so much in our society simply wouldn’t exist, from the technology that puts food on your table, medications you might need, and even getting to the moon! Even if it wasn’t for these countless direct benefits from science I still like the idea of gathering knowledge together. No one is an expert in everything so we have to rely on each other and help each other out in this process. Scientists do that more than most as we develop our work and experiments around a collective group effort. I really like the idea people cooperating for a common goal, and the world could do with more of it.
