• Question: What human age sleeps the longest - If that makes sense..

    Asked by anon-188268 to Alex on 15 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Alex Reid

      Alex Reid answered on 15 Nov 2018: last edited 15 Nov 2018 6:24 pm

      Hi Chicken McFlurry, thank you for the question! The amount of sleep you need will decrease as you go throughout life. While the average adult will sleep 6-10 hours, teenagers (aged 14-17) need more (8-10 hours) and 6-13 year olds will need even more (9-11 hours). This trend spans a lifetime, so it follows that the younger you are the more sleep you will need! As such, babies (0-3 months) will sleep the most at around 14-17 hours a day (although it might not feel like it for the parents!). Sleep does lots of important things including helping you grow and learn. As babies need to do this the most this may explain why they sleep the most!
