• Question: what is your best tip for falling asleep (im not very good at it)?

    Asked by anon-188265 to Alex on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Alex Reid

      Alex Reid answered on 5 Nov 2018: last edited 5 Nov 2018 5:09 pm

      Hi thanks for the question. I got asked similar question to this earlier so if you don’t mind I will respond with similar advice. People vary quite a lot in terms of sleep patterns, so I wouldn’t want to presume too much about when and how you should get to sleep. What helps me get to sleep is imagining myself in a chilled out scenario or story, and using that to relax and drift off. More broadly, make sure you are sleepy by practicing good ‘sleep hygiene’. This means keeping consistent sleep/wake patterns, making sure you stay off your phone before bed, avoiding playing computer games too close to sleep, doing some exercise during the day, and only using your bedroom for sleeping. I hope this helps!
