• Question: where you interested is since when you where younger

    Asked by anon-188704 to Nadine on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Hmmm interesting question!
      I would say that I’ve been interested in psychology since I was 13/14 yrs old. Of course I didn’t know enough to be interested in the specific areas I work in now – brain damage and dementia and ethnic minorities and doing research- but I very much liked psychology overall. Understanding how the mind worked, curious about how therapy can be used to help people, the new discoveries I’d hear about that were helping with mental health. And in school I really enjoyed biology. The body and the brain and how it all functions made sense to me in a way other sciences didn’t. So I guess these things were the perfect building blocks to guide me to what I’m doing today!
